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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Long Is Your Delivery Time?

We have a 40-60 day delivery time for all our products unless we are out of stock for the product or something else is described on the product page. This is constantly changing depending on stock so it is recommended you contact us before placing an order to confirm timeframes.

Is It Possible To Mount Equipment On The Pergola?

It is fine to attach extra equipment to the frame of the pergola to give it a more personal touch, but such adjustments are made at your own risk (feel free to ask us for guidance).

For example, if you need to attach a heat lamp, this can be screwed to the beam at the top. We recommend that self-drilling aluminium screws are used to prevent the screw from corroding.

How Long Does It Take To Assemble The Product?

We normally calculate 3-5 hours for 2 people to assemble the pergola, but this of course varies greatly from person to person.

What Surface Should I Have Where The Pergola Should Be Mounted?

There must be a solid surface under the pergola so that the pergola can be screwed/bolted to the surface. A solid surface can be a patio made of wood or concrete. Although a solid slab or pad footings is always recommended in order to retain wind rating. It is never recommended to mount onto tilework or pavers.


What Are Maintenance Requirements For The Pergola?

A SkyFlex pergola is basically a maintenance-free product. We still recommend lubricating all moving parts twice a year in early spring and before the winter.

What Do I Do With The Product In The Winter?

The pergola’s building material is powder-coated aluminum. This means that the product can withstand being outside in the winter. It will not be damaged by normal cold and heat.

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